Tim White wins Region 13 election!

Tim White, currently a board member of D19, as well as District Director will be assuming new duties on January 1, 2022 as Regional Director for Region 13, which comprises Districts 18 and 19.

Last year, ACBL announced it was revising its governance structure, with the board of directors being downsized to 13 positions from the current 25.

The Board of Directors is the governing body of the ACBL, by 2024 consisting of a Regional Director elected from each of 13 regions. During 2020, the 25 districts were reorganized into 13 regions (district boundaries remain unchanged). In 2021, one Regional Director from each of eight regions (one of them being Region 13) was elected for a three-year or four-year term. The Board of Directors holds three regular meetings each year and makes policy decisions for the ACBL. Between meetings, committee activities and constant intercommunication among Board members and ACBL management keep the Board up to date on important matters.



Get the skinny on D19’s inner workings!

If you’re interested in knowing who’s who in D19, what tournaments are coming up, how our finances are doing, etc, head to the Governance section, where you’ll find the latest minutes, financial statements, District board members and officials (sometimes including their photos), and many other fascinating topics.

Accessing Governance in the top menu will allow you to choose your specific items of interest from a drop-down list.

D19 Regionals cancelled until fall 2021

The following District 19 Regional Tournaments have been cancelled for 2021: Victoria (originally scheduled for April), Penticton (June) and Lynwood (August).

Whistler  is still in the cards, so to speak, and could be held at the end of October or the beginning of November. A final decision will be made by D19’s Board  no later than the end of May. 

ACBL Board of Governors Elections Filing

Any District ACBL member 18 years or older in good standing can make a written declaration of candidacy for the January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2023 term.

Declarations must be received by the ACBL Director of Elections, Kelley Trejo, by 31 May 2020.

Declarations may be sent:

1. by mail, addressed to

ACBL Director of Elections
PO Box 289,
Horn Lake, MS 38637-0289

2. hand delivered;

3. by email to [email protected] or [email protected].

In the past the BOD has met at each NABC and reviews actions taken by the ACBL Board of Directors and makes recommendations to the BOD.

Important notice: Board Elections for the 2021-2023 term

To members of Units 446, 430, 436, 442, 448, 450, 453, 454, 455, 428, 433, 437, 439, 441 443, & 451

Please be advised that new three-year terms are approaching for District Board members to be elected to represent the Seattle Unit, the Vancouver B.C. Unit, the eastern Washington Units at large, and the western Washington Units at large on the District Board for the 2021-2023 term.

Full details on how to declare your candidacy are found in our Governance section. You can also click here for direct access. Note that the deadline is 15 July 2020.

Eastern and Western Washington Elections for Board Members

New three-year terms are approaching for District Board Members to be elected to represent Eastern and Western Washington on the District Board for the 2019-2021 term.

If you are a member in good standing of the following Units, you may submit your candidacy.

  • Western Washington: Units 428, 433, 437, 439, 441, 443 and 451
  • Eastern Washington: Units 436, 442, 448, 450, 453, 454 and 455

Instructions on how to proceed, from DUDLEY BROWN, District 19 Elections Chair, can be found here.

Note that the deadline for declaring candidacy is 15 July 2018.

DINO Election Notice

Members of units listed below may make written declaration of candidacy to the District Elections Chairman to represent their area on the District 19 Board of Directors for the term 1 January 2017 to 31 December 2019. Email declarations will be accepted.

Vancouver Island Units: 429, 431

B.C. at Large Units: 456, 571, 574

Alaska units: 425, 426, 427

Incumbents for these positions are Chris Cookson (Vancouver Island Units), Don Wallace (B.C. at Large Units), and Kathie Hoehne (Alaska Units).

A short resume and platform statement should be included in case a contested election is necessary.

Declarations may be mailed or emailed to the Director of Elections listed below.

The filing period remains open until July 15, 2016.

District 19 Director of Elections
611 West 5th St
Grandview, WA 98930
Email: [email protected]